Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thursday 7 July 2011.
Craz-e World Live was on again... I did the show with Lee-Roy! Best co-host ever! We've grown so close and it's become more of a brother\sister relationship! We bring out the best(and sometimes worst) in each other! And guess what?? He licked my pimple today! Hahaha! Grose right? Nope! Not for us! We're a special breed!

Anyway, it's still cold... This might seem weird, but I think the cold is like death,you never really get used to it ..(Ya,like death just no as permanent)! Let's fast forward to summer please!

On to positive news! I've planned a big trip for next month. I'll fill you in closer to the time...I'm really looking forward to it!

All in all,I'm in a good state of mind, I am doing what I love, I appreciate the people around me and I strive to use my talents to the best of my ability.

Use your talents!
Chat soon

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